

Lovin Games Privacy Policy

Lovin Games (Both, Company and Website, “We” or “Us”) respect the privacy of its users and is dedicated towards protecting the privacy of the people (“You” or “User (s)”) using the Lovin Games website, mobile games on all the platforms, Lovin Games Developer Center, Lovin Games Publishing Portal, and all the other services offered by Lovin Games on the mobile (“Service (s)”) and other platforms. Hi privacy policy will help our users understand that how we collect, use and protect their personal and non-personal information.

This privacy policy applies to the use of our services by all our online and offline users, and thus, you must read this document very carefully before using the services of Lovin Games. If you do not agree with the terms of the services mentioned in this privacy policy and our “Terms of Use”, then you should not use the services.

If you are under 13 years of age, please do not attempt to use or access our services (if it is not stated otherwise explicitly for a relevant service) or send any information pertaining to You, to Us. Lovin Games will never knowingly collect any personal or non-personal information from any person under te age of 13. If you are a minor as per the rules of your country of residence, you must seek your parent’s consent before using any of the Lovin Games’s available services.

Personal Information

As per Lovin Games’s policy, the personal information refers to which helps in identifying as an individual person. We may also collect non-personal information from you, but this information may not help Us in identifying someone as an individual person. We collect and use, both personal and non-personal information individually or in the combined form.

Lovin Games shall not be held responsible for the actions of any third party (including companies, people or services) and any content on the third-party websites, any services or products which they offer or the usage of the information provided by the users to these third-party websites.

Collecting and Using Personal Information

Lovin Games only collects the personal information from the users which is relevant for the purposes clearly described in this Privacy Policy.

The personal information collected by the users may be leveraged for creating, using, customizing or maintaining Services accounts, for developing tailored services, for user verification, for contacting users and providing them services, for sending marketing and customer information to the users, for conducting customer and market research, for enabling the communication in the services, for developing reports, for creating sweepstakes and competitions, for receiving feedback fom the users for allowing te individual game developers to contact Lovin Games, for allowing the game developers to access the user feedback and the performance metrics related to the games published by Lovin Games.

We may also use the personal information collected from users to create the user profile link, or for combining it with the other information that we have garnered from third parties in order to understand the user preferences and for providing he better services to our users. Personal information collected by Lovin Games may also be leveraged to deliver Customer Service to the users, to deliver other services on user’s request, to send requested information including invoices, confirmations, game updates, technical notices, support messages and security alert, along with the communication related to promotions and other news pertaining to the products and services offered by Lovin Games.

Lovin Games commits to adhere all the applicable laws and regulations related to processing the User’s personal information, and for processing the personal information in compliance with the ethical processing practices. We also apply the necessary measures to keep all the personal information secure and strictly confidential.

Categories of Information Collected by Us

We collect many diverse categories of information from users. These include

  • Information Given by You
  • Information Collected from Technical Sources When You use or the Services
  • Information Collected from Third Parties such as social networks

We may collect the information which is directly provided by you, such as your name, your username, email address, your picture uploaded in your profile, your phone number and other contact information and your date of birth etc.

We may also leverage diverse technical sources to collect information about our users when you use our services. This is the non-personal information, and it may include your computer’s or device’s IP address, time of your actions or requests in the service, the operating system on your deice and your hardware type, your mobile device ID, access times, your location based on the GPS (Global Positioning System) and Innternet Protocol address, your preferred language and browser type, your MAC (Media Access Control) address, IMEI (International Moble Equipment Identity), your email address, your device name and your social media handle (if you have logged in through your Facebook or Google+ account) along with the referring website URLs.

While playing the games or using our services, You may be allowed to connect with your social media accounts such as Facebook or leverage your device’s game centers such as Apple’s Game Center or any similar third party service for obtaining the information about you, but only when you allow your social media site to enable Lovin Games to access that information, and thus, Lovin Games will be able to collect specific information pertaining.

Lovin Games may also collect the non-personal information about the User’s activities in the Services, such as the time for which their gaming sessions lasted, levels completed in the game, in-game interactions done with other players, and other interactions with a website or a game.

Information Collection for Imporving Our Services

In order to improve our services, we may collect and utilise the non-personal information, and we may also use some third party service providers for collecting and using the non-personal information. This information may subsume pages visited by the user, time of visit, time spent on each page, the IP address, and the operating system being installed on the devices being used to access the website. However, if you wish, you can decline the option to collect and store your non-personal data and can opt out using the url - (Check this URL once)

In addition to this, we may also leverage the third party service providers for data analytics, such as Game Analytics, Google Analytics, Flurry, Facebook audience Network etc. for analysing the customer behaviour and improve our gaming services. The data collected by the data analytics service providers to help us understand that how our services are being used and perceived by the customers.


We may include the advertising within our Gaming services, and if you want to opt out from specific targeted advertising, you can visit the URLs including and, but using these links does not guarantee that no targeted advertisements will be displayed to you. You would still be shown the other types of advertisements which are not personalised to you.

Any information collected in relation to the advertising networks will be used as per this Privacy Policy, and the Privacy Policy being used by the third-party networks facilitating applicable technology.

Bright Data 

In return for some premium features, including playing our games with advertising disabled, you may choose to be a peer on the Bright Data network. By doing so you agree to have read and accepted the Terms of Service of the Bright SDK EULA:

You may opt out of the Bright Data network by clicking the Web Indexing toggle to OFF in the game’s Options menu. 

Hosting and Disclosing Collected Information

By using Lovin Games services, You choose to disclose the information about yourself. While we ensure the security of your personal information provided exclusively to Lovin Games, but the information which you disclose to other users, would be considered the public information without any expectation of maintaining its privacy. Lovin Games is not responsible for any of your personal information, which You, yourself make public.

At te same time, Lovin Games will never disclose the users’ stored personal information to the third parties for market research, direct marketing, public registers or polls without taking your consent or except as a part of a particular feature or program for which you possess the ability to opt-out or opt-in. Glwonight will not be responsible for the processing of any personal information by the third parties. However, your personal information may be used for the in-service targeted marketing, or for the similar purposes, and after your consent, for the email marketing by Lovin Games and the other selected third-parties.

We may leverage the external service providers for providing the technical solutions or services for processing the stored information and accessing the same using a technical interface. We also expose your personal information to the selected third-party service providers to the extent to which it is reasonably essential for performing, improving and maintaining the services. We may also use the services offered by third party providers for the email services, credit card processing, business intelligence services and analysing information. Lovin Games possesses the right to share your personal information for the aforementioned purposes, but is not liable for the omissions and acts of these third parties.

We may also share your non-personal information, including referring or exit pages, user usage data, asset views, platform types and number of clicks, etc. with the third parties interested in assisting the Lovin Games in comprehending the usage patterns for certain services, content, promotions, advertisements, or/and functionality of the services.

In the exceptional cases, we may disclose your personal information to the third parties when it is required under a regulation or an applicable law or the order by the competent authorities, or for enforcing the “Terms of Service” and for investigating the possible infringing of the service terms and for guaranteeing the safety of the services.

Lovin Games may share your personal and non-personal information in the event of the sale of our assets, merger, financing or acquisition of the complete or a portion of our business. Anonymous or aggregate information about You may be shared with the business partners, publishers, advertisers, and the other third parties.

Protection of User Information

While we collect the personal and non-personal information pertaining to the users, but we always safeguard it with the password protection, and the access to the stored data will only be granted to a few people working on Lovin Games or Lovin Games partners who have been authorised by Lovin  Games team. We ensure that the information is protected by the apt industry standards, technical safety measures. While we deploy the most advanced security mechanisms to keep your information completely secure, we cannot guarantee complete security of the stored information during its storage on our systems or during its transmission. Lovin nklar Games will post a notice on its website or through its services in the event of the material security breach which endangers the privacy of our User’s personal information. We will also take measures such as shutting down a service for protecting your personal data.

Coockies Policy

Lovin Games may use the cookies to identify and track its website visitors, how they are using the services, their access preferences for improving the quality of the services and suggesting unique recommendations on the basis of user behaviour. The cookies do not enable Sprinklar Games to access any personal information stored on the user’s computer.

Apart from cookies, Lovin Games may also leverage the existing tracking technologies are the ones developed in future, which may set, alter or modify the configurations or settings on your device.

Lovin Games may associate with the third parties who leverage cookies and other efficient tracking technologies to track the efficacy of the advertisements which may be placed on the services. These technologies would be utilised for analysing the view count of the advertisements and for tailoring the advertisements when you visit the other websites.

The users who do not want the cookies from Lovin Games to set on their system, have to modify their computer’s settings to refuse the cookies or any other tracking technology to enter their computer system. The refusal of cookies may impact the proper functioning of some specific features of the service. Also, please note that some elements of the services are region specific, and may not function properly if Lovin  Games is unable to identify that from where you are accessing the services.

Processing the Personal Information

The Users possess the option to review any information which is collected about them and stored in our registers. When the users want to use this right to review the information which has been stored about them, they are required to send a signed request to Lovin Games. Once request is received, we will, upon the User’s request or at our own initiative, correct, complement or delete inaccurate, incomplete or outdated Personal information.

Users may also opt-out of receiving the promotional emails by following the set of instructions given in them. When you choose to opt-out, Lovin Games may still send you non-promotional emails related to your Lovin Games account or for providing vital information related to Lovin Games services or ongoing business relations.

Changes to Privacy Policy

Lovin Games possesses the right to change this Privacy Policy from time to time, and at its sole discretion. All changes made to this Privacy Policy will be made available on the website, and thus, users are requested to keep on checking the Privacy Policy often to find out if there are any changes. However, any changes to this Privacy Policy will not prejudice the User’s rights without asking for their consent.